level 1 coach for agile the agile company
level 2 coach for agile the agile company
ICAgile member the agile company

How to reach ACC or PCC credential through our programs

à la carte Coach Training Offerings

Each accredited coach training program is part of one or more credentialing cohorts for earning the ACC or PCC credentials. These are offered here a la carte for an initial certification to use in conjunction with other professional roles or to provide a step-by-step option for managing the schedule and budget while on the journey to become a coach.  For a Level 1 certificate, combine the Certified Professional Coach, Certified Master Coach, and Mentor Coaching.  For a Level 2 certificate combine  the Certified Professional Coach, Certified Master Coach, Certified Advance Coach, Coaching Experience class, and Mentor Coaching.  

Fully accredited for certification by ICF & ICAgile...

The International Coaching Federation for either ACC and PCC: Quality training guaranteed. Right from day one we will give you the tools to move towards having coaching conversations with the people you have available to you. Also, as we are The Agile Company, you get the benefit of joining a large community of Agile Coaches you can coach, co train or just take advise from. Your learning never stops!

An extensive program...

which you can easily integrate into your work life, as we meet only two hours per week for an interactive, engaging and thought-provoing session. We cover topics such as designing team coaching sessions that promote stro,ger and healthy relationships, how to coach the entire syteme, or team identity, leadership coaching and leadership style awareness sessions, all together with your group Agile Coaches that live the same challenges you do, from all over the globe)

Created by The Agile Company..

this program concentrates on a highly transferable, easy to learn and respectful coaching approach: Forward Focused conversations. The types of conversations are based on the Solutions Focused framework and Systems Coaching Theory. We integrate principles from GROW and even Co-Active coaching, as we all share the same goal; Helping our coachees move forward in their development in highly effective coaching able to use this framework in your daily work as Agile Coach and apply it to your coaching sessions with teams, individuals and leadership.

Level 1 professional coach competencies for Agilists

Module 1 - Coaching Agile Teams - 25 hours​

Development in the discipline of coaching for Agilists
Definition of the role of a coach for Agile Teams
Achieving essential changes in Mindset, self-awareness and self-management

Professional Coaching Skills Fundamentals
Active Listening and Powerful Questions
Determining the Coaching Question
Exploration of the subject and its solutions
Commitment & action plan (Forwarding the learning)
Conducting the coaching conversation

Team Coaching Fundamentals
Contrast between mentoring and coaching
The Team as a complex system
Understanding Team maturity and development
Helping the team develop its path towards high performance


Coaching a Team and its members through Change
Understanding the impact of change for the team and individuals
Identify and address resistance to change

Conducting a conversation about motivation in change

Coaching a Team and its members through Conflict

Identifying and helping teams overcome conflict
Coaching teams through challenges, impediments and building self awarenessss
Solution Focused Team Coaching – introduction

Building Capacity in Teams
Being an Agile role model when teaching values
Creating a safe space for mutual learning
Designing sessions that favour self-learning and discovery

Module 2 - Facilitating Growth in Agile Teams - 16 hours

The Forward Focused Conversation
Professional Coaching Competency Framework (ICF)

The difference between simple facilitation, Team Facilitation and Team Coaching
Decisions and difficult sessions
Helping teams and coaches stand tall in the storm
Working with dysfunctional behavior in a team

Team Dynamics and growth

ICF Core Competencies Practiced
Demonstrates Ethical Practice
Embodies a Coaching Mindset
Establishes and Maintains Agreements
Cultivates Trust and Safety
Maintains Presence
Listens Actively
Evokes Awareness
Facilitates Learning and Growth

Facilitating Growth in Teams
Asking the right questions
Helping teams to make their own decisions
Coaching the team to develop awareness of growth and learning
Preparing and designing collaborative discussions
Facilitating meaningful discussions
Practice Team coaching and facilitation techniques in Agile meeting

Module 3 - Core Competencies For Agilists With Forward Focused Conversations

The Coaching Conversation
Definition of coaching
The Arc of the coaching conversation
Understanding the need behind the want
Identifying the gap
Coaching questions and what they do
Solutions Focused Coaching for Agile and Forward Focused Conversations
Systems coaching
Professional Coaching Competency Framework (ICF)
Decisions and difficult sessions

ICF Core Competencies
Demonstrates Ethical Practice
Embodies a Coaching Mindset
Establishes and Maintains Agreements
Cultivates Trust and Safety
Maintains Presence
Listens Actively
Evokes Awareness
Facilitates Learning and Growth

Practical Coaching Considerations
The Mindset and posture of a coach
Contracting with single and multiple stakeholders
Supervision and dealing with Agile Leadership
The Agile Organization as a System
Ethical considerations when coaching Agile Teams
Self awareness and development



Group Mentor coaching sessions
You can join these session at any time during your training, and even after you have finished! You need to participate in at least 10 practice sessions in which you will be coached, are coaching (at least 5 observed sessions) or you can observe and give feedback. We will note your attendance internally.


Individual Mentor coaching sessions
Throughout the program you can book 3 sessions with your mentor in which you will be working on a recorded coaching session and identify core coaching competencies you have or will need to develop to reach your desired Credential by the ICF

Level 2 professional coach in Agile organizations

Module 4 - Systemic Coaching for Agile

Foundational Systems Work 

  • Development in the discipline of Systemic coaching
  • You, your systems, you development and responsibility towards your systems
  • Complex adaptive systems, Adaptive Action
  • Complexity Facilitation (Cynefin)
  • Human centered Systems thinking
  • Systems thinking & perspectives
  • The purpose of a System
  • Coaching & peer practice

Using coach competencies

  • Coaching competencies for systemic coaches
  • Active Listening
  • Co-coaching
  • Enhancing collective insight
  • Human centered Systems thinking
  • Systems awareness questions
  • Systems forwarding questions
  • Observations, challenges and silence
  • Facilitation vs Coaching – When how and why?
  • A system in conflict

Being a systemic coach

  • Different types of Systemic Coaching
  • Ethical considerations for Systemic Coaches
  • Awareness of the system in the system
  • Alignment, agreements & Contracts adapted to the system you work with
  • Identifying the Coaching Need & preparations
  • Forward Focused Conversations in Systemic Coaching

The Conversation

  • Entering the system – The problem or the need?
  • Relationships that work – How to co-create a team or system that has it all?
  • Facilitating the identification
  • Exploration of team realities, legacy roles and functional and dysfunctional parts
  • Forward learning, growth and establish success with the system
  • with the system
    Tools and activities for Systemic coaching such as constellations, solutions focused constellations, System maps, timeline work, legacy roles, share & dare, liberating structure work, the ripple effect…. and many many more!
  • Designing your Team coaching session from scratch!

Module 5 - Coaching the Transforming Organization

Our changing world – ethics and Coach Minset

  • Defining Business agility and your role as coach
  • Personal Agility and Ethical outlook on the job  
  • Enterprise Agile Coaching Skills & goals
  • Personal and professional mastery – Coach Mindset
  • Learning Journeys and Professional Development

A Systemic approach to enterprise coaching – The Why

  • The Agile Company Business Agility Compass
  • Systems thinking , awareness and systems Dynamics
  • Complex adaptive systems and simplicity as a tool
  • Systemic vs Systems Coaching

Sense making for Scaling

  • Facilitating the conversation on the scaling need
  • Coaching the organisation in their decision to scale

Agile Transition and Transformation Change Strategies

  • Helping the organization learn from itself
  • Strategy and Contract for Change
  • Organizational Impediments to Change
  • Communicating at an Organizational Level

Coaching Leadership in transformation

  • Coaching Leadership in their role change
  • Leadership Development
  • Aligning with leadership throughout the organization

Stepping into change

  • Organizational Systems Entry 
  • Stakeholder  alignment & Work definitions
  • Crafting a Systems Entry plan & proposal
  • Coaching the Business Case
  • Evoke awareness of the Human change process

Responsive organisation design – The What

  • Organisational evolution – Awareness of the WHY
  • Innovation and Adaptation as levers for success
  • Ambidextrous design and flexible structures

Organizational Change

  • Bringing the agile mindset to change
  • Co-creating an organisational change strategy
  • Understanding impediments

Breaking Boundaries

  • Boundary spanning levels and information gathered
  • Managing Boudaries
  • Cross-boundary facilitation

Culture Shift and transformation

  • Awareness of Organizational Culture 
  • Nudging Cultural shifts
  • Coaching the culture as a system

Online Professional Coaching Program

Weekly sessions leading to ICF certification

ICF Credential

This ICF accredited professional coach training course will give the advanced knowledge and practice needed to start coaching the entire Agile Organisation. We focus on the ICF core competencies needed to apply for the ACC or PCC ICF credential and broaden our reach by applying these to team session and leadership coaching. We also help you become more effective in conflict coaching. Combined with at least 7 group mentoring hours, 3 private mentoring hours and the peer coaching practice, this class will allow you to apply for the ICF PCC credential through the ACTP track (Level 2).


This program is an intense journey towards coaching mastery in which you will interact with people from all over the globe. With this class you will also work with your peers in a group mentoring cohort in which you will dive deeper into the different subjects you have learned throughout the week!

Practical Knowledge

With the Agile Company’s Professional Coaching classes, you will start coaching immediately! Right from day one we will give you the tools to move towards having coaching conversations with the people you have available to you. Also, as we are The Agile Company, you get the benefit of joining a large community of Agile Coaches you can coach, co train or just take advise from. Your learning never stops!


Let's chat

“Nothing beats in-person conversations. We love to hear more about you, your company or team and learn how to adapt our services to your specific needs.

Drop us a line and we’ll call you back as soon as possible to arrange a meeting with you and your teams. This meeting is of course free of charge! Inviting The Agile Company to meet with your teams is usually the first step into getting objective and honest feedback and may serve as an eyeopener to your organisations cultural dynamics.”

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