Training Voucher Program 2025

Create an Effective Training Plan for 2025 using your remaining 2023 budget and get 15% more for free!

To secure what is left of your 2024 training budget, we introduce The Training Voucher program 2025. The training vouchers do not only secure your 2024 budget, but you get even 15% more by buying a simple voucher. This budget you can use during the entire 2025 year for your agile training needs. 

Voucher +15%

  • Increase your 2024 budget for 2025
  • Vouchers are valid for the entire 2025 year
  • Vouchers are fully transferable throughout your organization
  • Vouchers can be purchased in amounts ranging from €/$ 2.000 to €/$ 100.000
  • Language : English
Buy a voucher and increase your 2025 training budget by 15%!

Increase and use your 2024 training budget to purchase trainings in 2025. Voucher payments must be through an organization, not an individual.

Voucher 2.000

€/$ 300 extra for free
2000 €/$ 300 extra for free
  • €2.000 voucher gives you a 2024 budget of €2.300
  • €/$ 300 extra for free, total €/$ 2.300
  • Use and increase your 2023 budget for 2024
  • Language : English

Voucher 3.500

€/$ 525 extra for free
3500 €/$ 525 extra for free
  • €3.500 voucher gives you a 2024 budget of €4.025
  • €/$ 525 extra for free, total €/$ 4.025
  • Use and increase your 2023 budget for 2024
  • Language : English

Voucher 5.000

€/$ 750 extra for free
5000 €/$ 750 extra for free
  • €5.000 voucher gives you a budget of €5.750
  • €/$ 750 extra for free, total €/$ 5.750
  • Use and increase your 2023 budget for 2024
  • Language : English

Voucher 6.500

€/$ 975 extra for free
6500 €/$ 975 extra for free
  • €6.500 voucher gives you a budget of €7.475
  • €/$ 975 extra for free, total €/$ 7.475
  • Use and increase your 2023 budget for 2024
  • Language : English
Invest in our training voucher and use it whenever you like

Why are training vouchers a good idea?

  • They secure and increase your company’s training budget by 15% for 2025
  • They offer you flexibility-you can choose any class and sign up for the most convenient date.
  • Get the most for your training dollars by making your training purchases with one purchase order.
  • Extend this year’s budget by purchasing vouchers now and using them anytime throughout the next year.
  • Anyone in your organization can use the vouchers, so you can train new employees even if your budget is cut.
  • Consolidate numerous departments’ training budgets into one to get more for your budget Euros & Dollars.
  • Vouchers are an excellent opportunity to purchase training in advance without having to commit to a course date

Voucher 8.000

€/$ 1.200 extra for free
8000 €/$ 1.200 extra for free
  • €/$ 8.000 voucher gives you a 2024 budget of €/$ 9.200
  • €/$ 1.200 extra for free, total €/$ 9.200
  • Use and increase your 2023 budget for 2025
  • Language : English

Voucher 10.000

€/$ 1.500 extra for free
10000 €/$ 1.500 extra for free
  • €/$ 10.000 voucher gives you a 2024 budget of €/$ 11.500
  • €/$ 1.500 extra for free, total €/$ 11.500
  • Use and increase your 2023 budget for 2025
  • Language : English

Voucher 20.000

€/$ 3.000 extra for free
20000 €/$ 3.000 extra for free
  • €/$ 20.000 voucher gives you a 2024 budget of €/$ 23.000
  • €/$ 3.000 extra for free, total €/$ 23.000
  • Use and increase your 2023 budget for 2025
  • Language : English


Get a tailor-made voucher
Quote Customised Training Quote
  • Amounts between €/$20.000 - €/$ 100.00
  • We increase your amount +15%
  • Use and increase your 2023 budget for 2025
  • Language : English
How Organizations Can Save with Vouchers

Gain Convenience, Flexibility and Ease of Administration

  • With the flexibility of Training Vouchers, you can satisfy your training requirements as they evolve throughout the year.

  • Vouchers reduce the paperwork and approvals associated with multiple enrollments and take care of all your training needs with a single purchase order. 

  • Planning and controlling training and your training budget has never been easier!
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Meet our Trainers

Passionate about Agile, we work together as a team to deliver meaningful change for our clients. We make it our mission to inspire change with our enthusiasm and knowledge of Coaching, Agile Teams and Organizational Agility.

Training Vouchers Program

Are there any restrictions?

  • Voucher payments must be through an organization, not an individual.
  • Vouchers are valid for one year from the date of purchase and are nonrefundable.
  • Training Voucher minimum purchase is €2.000 or €100.000

For more information or to purchase an Training Voucher for your organization, contact Remco Verwoerd:

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“Nothing beats a face-to-face conversation to understand your company’s history and discover its needs.”

Natascha SPEETS, founder of The Agile Company

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