Commitment to our Environment and Policy

Our Commitment to our Environment and Policy

The Agile CompanyAt The Agile Company we are committed to conducting its business in an ethical, socially responsible, and sustainable manner. As a small SME training company, we recognize the importance of responsible supply chain management in ensuring the wellbeing of our employees, protecting the environment, and upholding human rights. This policy outlines our commitment to promoting responsible practices throughout our supply chain.

The Agile Company

At The Agile Company we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and promoting sustainability. We recognize that the protection of the environment is essential for the well-being of our planet and future generations. As a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) training company, we strive to integrate environmental considerations into all aspects of our operations. This policy outlines our commitment and sets the framework for our environmental management approach. 


  • Our primary objectives for environmental management are as follows: 
  • Reduce Waste: We will minimize waste generation and promote recycling and responsible waste disposal practices throughout our operations. 
  • Conserve Resources: We will strive to conserve energy, water, and other natural resources by adopting efficient practices and technologies. 
  • Foster Awareness: We will raise awareness among our staff, clients, and stakeholders about environmental issues and promote sustainable behaviours. 
  • Compliance: We will comply with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and standards applicable to our operations. 
  • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to regularly reviewing and improving our environmental performance by setting measurable targets and tracking our progress. 


Responsibilities for implementing and maintaining this Environmental Policy are as follows:  

  1. Management: The management team will provide leadership and allocate necessary resources to ensure effective environmental management. 
  2. Employees: All employees are responsible for adhering to the environmental policies and procedures set forth by the company. They should actively participate in environmental initiatives and report any environmental concerns to the appropriate personnel. 
  3. Training and Education: We will provide training and education programs to enhance environmental awareness and promote sustainable practices among our employees. 

Key Initiatives

To achieve our environmental objectives, we will undertake the following key initiatives:  

  1. Waste Management: We will implement waste reduction measures, including recycling programs, proper waste segregation, and responsible disposal of hazardous materials. 
  2. Energy Efficiency: We will assess and monitor our energy consumption, identify areas for improvement, and implement energy-efficient technologies and practices. 
  3. Water Conservation: We will promote water-saving practices within our facilities and raise awareness among employees about the importance of water conservation. 
  4. Sustainable Procurement: We will consider environmental factors in our procurement decisions, giving preference to suppliers and products with strong environmental credentials. 
  5. Green Training: We will integrate environmental awareness and sustainability principles into our training programs, encouraging participants to adopt eco-friendly practices in their workplaces. 

Monitoring and Review

To ensure the effectiveness of our environmental management efforts, we will establish regular monitoring and review processes. This will include:  

  1. Regular audits and assessments of our environmental performance. 
  2. Setting measurable targets and objectives for continuous improvement. 
  3. Reviewing and updating this Environmental Policy as needed to reflect changes in legislation, technology, and best practices. 



We will communicate our environmental commitment and progress to our employees, clients, and other stakeholders through various channels, such as our website, internal newsletters, and meetings. We will actively seek feedback and suggestions to improve our environmental performance.  

This Environmental Policy represents our commitment to sustainable development and serves as a guide for all employees to integrate environmental considerations into their daily activities. By adhering to this policy, we can contribute to a greener future and create a positive environmental legacy. 


Document owner: Natascha Speets 

 Document created May 2023 

Next Revision December 2024 

 Marseille, France 



Environmental Sustainability

We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and promoting sustainability throughout our supply chain. We encourage suppliers to adopt environmentally responsible practices, such as reducing waste, conserving energy,and water, and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. We support the use of sustainable materials and processes whenever feasible and expect suppliers to comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations.

Continuous Improvement

We are dedicated to continuously improving our responsible supply chain management practices. We regularly assess our suppliers’ performance and engage in dialogue to address any concerns and promote positive change. We encourage suppliers to collaborate with us in identifying and implementing innovative solutions that drive responsible practices, efficiency, and sustainability.

Training and Communication

We recognize the importance of training and communication to foster a culture of responsible supply chain management. We provide our employees with training and resources to understand and implement this policy effectively. We also strive to communicate our expectations to suppliers and encourage open and transparent dialogue regarding responsible practices.

Reporting and Accountability

We are committed to transparency and accountability in our supply chain management efforts. We maintain records of our supply chain activities and monitor compliance with this policy. We encourage employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any concerns or violations of this policy. Whistleblower protection mechanisms are in place to ensure that individuals can report issues without fear of retaliation.

Review and Update

We will periodically review and update this Responsible Supply Chain Management Policy to reflect changes in laws, regulations, industry standards, and our business practices. We encourage feedback from our stakeholders to improve the effectiveness of this policy.By adhering to this Responsible Supply Chain Management Policy, The Agile Companyaims to make a positive impact and contribute to a more sustainable and ethical supply chain.

Document owner: Remco Verwoerd

Document created May 2023 

Next Revision December 2024