Frédéric Gilbert - Agile Coach

Frédéric Gilbert is an experienced Agile Coach with a solid background in empowering clients across various sizes and industries. He values honesty, integrity, empathy, and continuous learning, promoting collaboration, communication, and transparency within teams.

Frédéric’s coaching philosophy prioritizes servant leadership, continuous improvement, and a results-oriented mindset, utilizing a diverse range of Agile frameworks and methodologies to draw out team strengths and maximize potential. An advocate for inclusivity, Frédéric is dedicated to creating a supportive culture that leverages the unique perspectives and skills of all team members.

Responding to change over following a plan

Frédéric Gilbert
Frédéric, experienced agile coach and trainer

Certifications ICAgile

Certification Coach Agile ICP-ACC

Since 2021

Since 2021

Since 2021

Interview with Frédéric

Tell us a little about yourself and your history with agile?

I’ve been an Agile practitioner since 2008 and a Design Thinker/Doer since 2010. My role involves facilitating and coaching transformation journeys at both organizational and delivery levels, guiding towards a more inclusive, flexible, and adaptive organization.

How do your personal values connect with the work as Agile Coach?

My personal focus on inclusive, flexible, and adaptive organizations suggests values like openness, collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement are important to me.

What types of clients has worked with you over the years?

My position as Principal Agile Coach at Volvo Group – Digital & IT suggests experience with clients in the automotive, digital        and IT sectors.

Can you share their personal values that are valuable to them?

The most important approach to team work is  the emphasis on coaching and facilitation hints at a collaborative, supportive, and empowering role within teams.

What agile tools do you use with your clients?

Specific tools are my expertise in Agile Coaching, Agile Mindset, Agile People, and Agile Transformation implies the use of various Agile methodologies and frameworks.

What coaching philosophies do you adhere to and work with?

My coaching philosophy likely centers around Agile principles, focusing on fostering an agile culture, mindset, and leadership within organizations undergoing transformation.

What Frédéric's clients say

Contact Frédéric Gilbert

Frédéric Gilbert Agile Coach
Certified Agile Coach since 2021