How to use Humble Inquiry…​


How to use Humble Inquiry...

The word inquiry originates from the Latin word inquirerwhich means ‘person who seeks out.’ Prior to the 16th century, the word inquiry was also used to describe a trial-based investigation. In modern contexts, the word inquiry also refers to the act of investigating something. In this sense, the word inquiry conveys both the noun and verb forms of the term. In addition to conveying the general meaning of ‘investigation,’ inquiry also refers to the act itselfTaken togetherthese various usages reveal how fundamentally important investigation is to society as a whole.

Humble Inquiry is an effective method of fostering positive relationships between individuals, teams, and organizations. It is a way of engaging in conversations that focus on understanding the other person’s point of view and building trust. The idea is to make everyone feel that their opinion is valued and that they are actively involved in the process. In order to use Humble Inquiry to yield better teams and results, it is important to practice active listening and be aware of subtle nonverbal cues.

to yield better better teams...

 Communication should be open and honest and everyone should feel heard and respected.

It is also important to be aware of the team dynamics. Unexpected issues can arise when team members don’t understand each other’s perspectives, and humble inquiry can help build understanding. By asking open-ended questions and actively listening, team members can better comprehend each other’s point of view, which can lead to more effective problem-solving and collaboration. 

Another way humble inquiry can help yield better teams and results is by creating an environment of trust.

Team members need to feel safe to share their ideas and opinions withoout fear of judgement or critiscsm.  When a team has strong trustmembers can be more  creative and take riskswhich can lead to better results. 

On the opposite hand, many people resist changing their opinions or learning any new information. They may do so out of stubborn pride or because they’re unwilling to abandon existing plans and goals. Fortunatelythere’s a very simple solution that can vastly improve this attitude – humility. The humble approach involves acknowledging when you’re wrong and looking for ways you can  improve your work through trial and error

This approach encourages self-sacrifice since it involves giving up your own goals for the greater good. 

Howeverit can be incredibly effective when done right. 

and get the results you need?

In addition to encouraging better outcomes in teamwork, a humble approach can lso help team members learn from each other’s mistakes

 It also encourages others to speak up when they see issues with a particular plan or strategy so that problems can be addressed early on instead of after launch.

All in all, humble inquiry is an easy way to encourage team members towards better results in any project they’re involved in team members towards better results in any project they’re involved in.

Finally, humble inquiry can help teams stay focused on the goal and foster a sense of collective responsibility. By having meaningful conversations about the team’s purpose and objectives, team members can stay motivated and work together to achieve the desired results. 
In summary, teams can yield better results by using humble inquiry to foster open and honest communication, build understanding and trust. 

Picture of Alexandra Togan
Alexandra Togan

Table of contents

Humble Inquiry is an effective method of fostering positive relationships between individuals, teams, and organizations. It is a way of engaging in conversations that focus on understanding the other person's point of view and building trust.