Online Agile Coach Certification ICP-ACC

Immersive and Live Virtual Conference Agile Coaching Course.

3 time zones available:
Europe / UK + USA / Canada + Asia / Australia

“You learn so many important skills and ways of thinking that are so value both in worklife and daily life. The trainer was really good. He is excellent at facilitating, asking good questions and nonetheless recapping what people have said in a way that makes everyone understand.”
Johanne Fredslund Dølvik

Practice, learn and experience what Agile Coaching really means

The “Agile Coach Certification” training course is a 21-hour interactive program held in an online conference room.

March 2025
April 2025
May 2025
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Agile Coach Certification
  • 21 hours live online training
  • Interactive environment
  • Innovative learning methods
  • Notebook and training material
  • ICAgile ICP-ACC Certificate
  • Language : English
Pay in 1, 2 or 3 installments


Agile Coach Certification
$ 985
  • 21 hours live online training
  • Interactive environment
  • Innovative learning methods
  • Notebook and training material
  • ICAgile ICP-ACC Certificate
  • Language : English
Agile Coach Certification: Mastering Coaching Skills for Team Development

The “Agile Coach Certification” training course is a 21-hour interactive program held in an online conference room.
You’ll develop your knowledge and skills in professional and agile coaching, and know the difference between mentoring, facilitation, consulting, teaching and coaching.
You will learn how to determine team maturity and create an environment conducive to the development of your teams towards high performance.
You will actively practice and experiment with the concepts of team development and dynamics, change management, alliance building and coaching contracts.
At the end of the course, you will receive your agile coach certification from ICAgile.

Online Agile Coach Certification Course

Training objectives ICP-ACC

During this online Agile Coach certification course, you will work closely with the other participants and you will complete the training with an additional wealth of experience.

  • Understanding the principles and tools of a Professional Coach
  • Assuming his role as Agile Coach
  • Knowing how to choose between different roles at the right moment (mentor, facilitator, consultant, trainer, coach etc.)
  • Accommodate Agile Transformations and adapt it to its context.
  • Receive the ICP-ACC certification delivered by ICAgile
  • Develop knowledge related to Agile principles and methods
ICAgile Training

Course Program ICP-ACC

Agile Team Coaching ICP-ACC

1. The Agile Coaching Mindset

You establish a link between the mindset, skills and practices of agile coaching and your own experience and current level of skill. Use self-awareness to identify a development path for your own growth as an agile coach.

  • Definition of Agile Coaching
  • Coach as Agile Role Model
  • Achieving Essential Mindset Shifts
  • Achieving Self-Awareness/Self-Management in the Coach
  • Agile Coaching Stance
  • Ethical Considerations of Agile Team Coaching

2. Foundational Professional Coaching Skills

You apply the fundamental professional skills of coaching in an Agile context

  • Basics of Using Emotional Intelligence as Underpinning
  • Presence
  • Listening
  • Powerful Questioning
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Conducting the coaching conversation

3. The Coaching Conversation – Coaching for Action

You will describe the arc of a coaching conversation and apply it using a variety of techniques in real-life agile coaching scenarios.

  • Topic Identification
  • Topic Exploration
  • Action Commitment
  • Conducting the Coaching Conversation

4. Key Mentoring Skills

You apply basic mentoring skills in an Agile context.

  • Give Options while Maintaining Presence
  • Articulate Expertise
  • Mentee at Free Choice

5. Mentoring Agile Role Transitions

You compare mentoring and coaching and apply mentoring skills with a mentee in real-world Agile scenarios.

  • Contrasting Mentoring with Coaching
  • Understanding the Individual Change Cycle
  • Key Agile Role Transitions
  • Identifying and Handling Resistance from Individuals
  • Conducting the Mentoring Conversation

6. Key Teaching Skills

You apply basic teaching skills in an Agile context.

  • Use Multiple Content Delivery Mechanisms
  • Chunk Content into Digestible Pieces
  • Check for Understanding
  • Create an Environment for Stickiness

7.  Agile Mindset Shifts and Frameworks

You apply the concepts to teach a short course that conveys aspects of key mindset changes and introduces a key Agile framework.

  • Helping Team Members Experience the Agile Mindset Shifts
  • PRACTICE : Distinguishing and Articulating at Least One Agile Framework

8. Foundational Team Coaching

You will apply the basic skills of team coaching in an Agile context.

You will apply tools and techniques for an effective team start-up and for cultivating self-awareness within teams.

  • Systems View
  • Observation
  • Articulate What’s Happening
  • Describing a Model of Team Development and Using it in Service of a Team’s Development
  • Helping a Team Detect their Own Stage of Development
  • PRACTICE : Creating a Team Kickoff / Startup Agenda

9. Coaching the Journey Toward High Performance

You will assess the health of an Agile team and adapt your individual coaching style to facilitate the team’s evolution towards high performance.

  • Defining and Identifying High Performance
  • Team Development is a Journey, not a Destination
  • Assessing the Team as a Healthy System
  • Adapt Your Style Based on Team Maturity

10. Handling Conflict and Dysfunction within the Team

You will apply tools and techniques to manage conflict and dysfunction within a team.

  • Surfacing and Working with Conflict
  • Building Self-Awareness/Self-Management Capacity in the Team
  • Creating Awareness that Teams are Human Systems

11. Handling Organizational Impediments

You describe the common organisational barriers to Agile adoption and classify them to determine the appropriate level to address them (e.g. team, community of practice, tactical leadership, executive leadership).

  • Identifying and Capturing Impediments 
  • Leadership Engagement

12. Coaching Alliances and Contracts

You determine and present the best action plan for formalising coaching relationships in internal and external contexts.

  • Defining the Agile Coaching “Contract”
  • Designing a Coaching Alliance
  • Internal vs. External Coaches: Special Considerations for Contracting and Designing Alliances
How to work towards your ICF credential with The Agile Company
  • ICAgile ICP–ACC Certificate
  • 21-hour live online training sessions with your group
  • Lecture, exercises and live discussions in an interactive environment
  • Notebook and training material
  • Innovative and active learning methods
  • The Agile Coach’s tool box to get you started

This class is taught online using Zoom as our online meeting place where we will discuss, present and experiment with the different stances and roles of an Agile Coach. The Online course delivers the exact same content and at the end you receive the same certificate.

We meet 7 times over 3,5 weeks. During our 3 hour online live conference we work towards our goal which is accompanying you to becoming a Certified Agile Coach.

To ensure high quality training for our students, we decided to limit our online Coaching Fundamentals classes to only 15 participants per cohort.

This course is perfect for

Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, Lean experts, team coach, project managers, managers working in an agile environment.


The ICP-ACC training is open to all those who want to become more competent in the field of Agile coaching, but does not require any prerequisites.

In order to follow this online course in good conditions, you must also :

  • Have a good internet connection.
  • Have a computer.
  • Have headphones or speakers.
  • Be familiar with computers and the use of the Internet. 
  • Know the values and principles of the Agile method, and be able to explain at least one of the Agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban, etc…

You will receive your certificate at the end of our course.

Access to all our training courses is immediate once the registration is validated.

For public training courses open to all, you can register as long as the date of the training is posted in the agenda. You can reserve your training by buying your ticket on the site directly, or send us a message by email.

  • Hosting of trainees in a dedicated online training conference room (zoom)
  • Access to The Agile Company community
  • Access to the private group of the cohort
  • Toolbox
  • Work on «board Miro»
  • Exercises and work in sub-groups
  • Interactive and participative teaching method
  • Projected training support documents
  • On-line availability of support documents following the training
  • Training workbook
  • Online attendance sheets
  • Oral questions
  • Group role plays
  • Pre- and post-training assessment forms
  • Certificate of completion of the training action

Every effort is made to make our courses accessible. In order to establish the necessary adaptation arrangements, trainees with disabilities are invited to contact us at
Agefiph is one of our resource partners (


Language: English
Duration: 21 hours
Certification: ICAgile ICP-ACC
Level: Professional
PDU’s: 24

Agile coaches

Tadej Accetto
Drew Taylor
Paulie Skaja
Meet our Trainers

Passionate about Agile, we work together as a team to deliver meaningful change for our clients. We make it our mission to inspire change with our enthusiasm and knowledge of Coaching, Agile Teams and Organizational Agility.

Online ICP-ACC Course Program

What to expect


The Online Agile Coach Certification training (ICP-ACC certification) is a highly interactive and deeply experiental 21-hour program that focuses on the mindset, roles and responsibilities of an agile coach.


The online Agile Coach certification course is filled with activities, discussions and exercises to help you acquire essential agile coaching skills such as self-awareness, agile coaching stances, agile mentoring, facilitation techniques, active listening, powerful questioning and coaching in the moment.


You will practice individual coaching, team coaching and mentoring conversations as soon as you arrive in the virtual training room! The online certified Agile coach course includes topics that cover the differentiation between mentoring, facilitation, consultation, teaching and coaching.

About The Online Agile Coach Certification

What makes this Agile Course different

Even online, our courses are highly immersive, which means that you will not see many PowerPoint presentations. You are put to work immediately and start learning by doing and experimenting with the tools explained and modeled by your peers and your ICAgile Accredited trainer.

Use professional coaching tools

Such as powerful questions, active listening, creating coaching alliances and contract, and how to give and receive feedback in an intelligent and constructive way.

Help create an environment which individual team members feel safe to participate fully in creating a shared team vision and an agile culture that unites in their journey to Agile Excellence,

Conduct the coaching conversation

Including techniques to improve the way you listen, facilitate meetings and help your client become more effective.

Customer Testimonials
ICF Coach training
Frequently Asked Questions

The only difference is the way the content is delivered, meaning that you can follow the online program from your home or office, instead of being present in a class room. We decided to stretch the program over 4 weeks, which actually gives you more time to practice in between sessions.

Yes. The certificate issued after the program is exactly the same as the one you would receive after an in-class course. The Certificate doesn’t mention if you followed an online or in-class course.

There are no conditional pre-requisites for this Agile Coach Certification program. It is however advised to have good working knowledge of at least one Agile framework, and if you have working experience in an agile environment, that would be a plus. But, many people start their journey as a professional coach, or even as a manager. This course will help you take up your new role as an Agile Coach

No. The ICP-ACC Agile Coach Certification course is a knowledge based certification program. This means that the course is designed to cover all the learning objectives required by ICAgile. We ask you to keep your camera on and have a good working microphone so you can actively participate in the many coaching and mentoring activities, breakout sessions, teach-back moments and presentations.

Never. The Agile Coach Certificate issued by ICAgile after this certification program has lifetime validity.

Two weeks before the start of the course, and before each session you will receive part of your workbook. We ask you to print the pages and use them during the session. At the end of the program you can bind them together with the slides you found interesting and other notes you took during the session, to keep as a reference.

Usually within a few days after completion of the course, ICAgile will send you your certificate.

We will send you an invitation to join our Zoom conference room by email. The link will open a window. If you have never used Zoom before, we recommend you open this window a couple of minutes before the session starts so you can download the application if your browser requires this. You can then keep the window open untill your trainer opens the classroom and the session begins.

We offer an extensive follow-up program to all our students including two sessions with a professional coach. You can claim your two coaching sessions after your course. These sessions are there to help you get on your feet as an Agile Coach, but if you wish, you may address a completely different challenge with your coach. It is up to you how you use these valuable moments with your coach.

Want to go further?
Discover our Agile Facilitation training
Agile Team Facilitation
Team Facilitation
Have a question? We'll contact you
Let's meet

“Nothing beats a face-to-face conversation to understand your company’s history and discover its needs.”

Natascha SPEETS, founder of The Agile Company

A totally free and non-binding meeting.
We explain everything about Organizational Agility and how we can help you reap its benefits for your team.


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